“For the Things we have to learn before we can do them , we learn by doing them.” – Aristotle
Experiential Learning(Hands on activities).
Value based education.
Research, Projects, Analysis and Application based.
Field Trips.
Laboratory based learning.
Collaborative Learning.
Learning through sports and co-curricular activities.
Library Based Learning.
Project work.
Audio-Visual Aid in Teaching.
Career oriented guidance.
Embracing new areas of study as Bio-Tech and IT.
Offering wide range of subjects to choose in all the three Streams Science, Commerce and Humanities in class XI.
Encouraging participation in prestigious National and International Events.
Extensive use of audio visual aids.
Usage of digital language Lab.
Practical RepresentationGuidance from ExpertsProject DisplayProject PresentationSmart Board TeachingGrooming the Future CEO’sLearning process through Role PlayExperiential Learning various science symposium, VASUDHA – Inter Amity Science fair, Exhibitions, quiz and other competitive eventsClass Discussion