In an effort to inculcate scientific temperament and encourage research & innovation amongst children, as envisaged by Chairperson Dr (Mrs) Amita Chauhan, the school organises Amity Children Science Congress titled Vasudha and Mathamity every alternate year. Under this initiative, children are encouraged to prepare small do-able projects in Science and Maths. The shortlisted projects are then sent for various national and international forums namely National Children Science Congress (NCSC), Initiatives for Research and Innovation in Science (IRIS), CSIR exhibitions and so on.
The focal theme for 2018 was ‘Science Technology and Innovation for Sustainable Development’. Over 1500 students from primary, middle and senior sections explored various theme based domains to showcase their innovative projects. All the projects were then presented through models, PPTs and oratory presentations from August 1-4, 2018. The best selected models were sent for further research with a scope of making prototypes and manufacturing for consumer use.