Date: June 23-25, 2021
Two teams of 4 students from Class XIwere declared national winners in digital category of Toycathon-2021.Aditya Khuntia, Divyaansh Seth, Himanshu and Niharika Roy won the competition for their game app Expressify. Aditya, Divyaansh and Niharika also teamed up together and created another award-winning idea an app called Sanskrit Vinayan. Their ideas were amongst the final 117 selected ideas out of 17770 received from all over India for the competition. Toycathon, is a joint initiative of Ministry of Education, WCD, MSME, DPIIT, Textile Ministry, I&B Ministry and AICTE. It was held to facilitate crowd source funding for innovative Indian games and toys and inculcate the spirit of ‘Vocal for Local’ amongst young minds.