Date: June 2, 9 & 16, 2020
Bhuvi Pandey(ClassX) along with 10 Amitians from Amity Group of Schools participated in the 13thYRoNS held online this year. The annual event for scientific and cultural exchange, held under the aegis ofAmity Educational Resource Centre (AERC) saw participation of 48 studentsfrom 9 countries includingHungary, Germany, Norway, France, Slovenia, Netherlands, Russia, Brazil and India. The three day event was based on 3 different themes on each day namely ‘The world during the Covid 19 period’, ‘Our country during Covid 19 and ‘science and cultural presentations’. Innovations like superabsorbent material ‘Hydratonic’, making apple wine using yeast, plant health monitoring app, inventing a battery run vehicle named OAWAAP for contactless deliveries, planting vegetable gardens in urban spaces with self-tilting solar panels were shared and discussed. Issues like why lycra masks were the best, importance of online learning and homeschooling amidst transformed times, etc., were also deliberated upon.